15th October 2023 - Cin7 Core Enhancements
FEATURES: Add attachments to inventory write-off, Modify B2B portal product image order, view Capacity Planner and Scheduler via MES app, and more!
Display purchase order type (advanced, simple, service) on purchase list
There are different types of purchase in Cin7 Core , simple (which includes one invoice and stock receipts), advanced (which includes more than one invoice and stock receipts), and service (which does not contain any stock products). With this release, a new column has been added to the purchase list display indicating the type of purchase for each purchase displayed. No additional user actions are required.
Users will need the Purchase – List and tasks permissions to use this feature.
Add attachments to inventory write-off
Inventory Manufacturing
Writing off inventory involves removing the cost of no-value inventory items from the accounting records. With this release, an Attachments tab has been added to inventory write-off tasks so users can add supporting documents to each task writing off the cost of stock.
Supporting documents can be attached to the inventory write-off task in the Attachments tab, and any documents printed will be saved here automatically. Inventory write-off can be accessed via the Inventory or Manufacturing menus on the main toolbar.
Sign in with Microsoft account
With this release, you can now sign in to Cin7 Core with your Microsoft Account details. This option will be available any location where user authentication via email and password is required. No further action is necessary.
Modify product image order in B2B portal
Inventory B2B
Previously, it was not possible to modify the image order of products in Cin7 Core . With this release the functionality has been added. Modified image order sequence will be passed to B2B portal.
Go to Inventory → Products/Product families→ Product details → Images and attachments.
Add images. The images will be displayed in the same order that they are uploaded.
Users can drag and drop images to change the order. Default image cannot be dragged and dropped and will always be displayed first.
Modified image order sequence will be passed to items listed in B2B portal.
More information
Product and service management – Add images and attachments
B2B portal – Change max. item number per column in grouped menu
Previously to this release, grouped menus for B2B portal would split into two columns when containing more than 7 items. This was not suitable for some of our customers. Grouped menus are a type of custom menu navigation.
With their feedback, we have added a new setting where users can specify the maximum number of items per column in grouped menus. When the number of items exceeds the maximum per column, the columns will be split with an equal, or as close to equal as the number of items allows, number in each column.
Go to Integration → B2B portal → [Select portal] and then scroll to the Navigation tab.
Scroll to Horizontal navigation bar and select Custom menu.
Click Add menu items to start adding items to the menu. This feature affects one of the available types: Grouped menu.
When selecting grouped menu, the setting allowing you to enter the max number of items per column will be displayed here.
Connected B2B portal
More information
Set up B2B portal – Customize the look of your B2B portal – Custom menu
MES – View Capacity planner via app (read-only)
Advanced Manufacturing MES
Capacity Planner feature of Cin7 Core ’s Advanced Manufacturing module. The Capacity Planner shows the capacity for a selected planning period and which resources are overallocated.
With this release, a read-only version of the Capacity Planner can now be accessed from the MES application for users with the appropriate permissions. Filters can be applied and views changed as in Cin7 Core web. Replanning orders and reallocating capacity is not available in read-only MES version of this feature.
Access Capacity lookup from main MES menu.
Users will need the Manufacturing – Capacity Planner permission to use this feature.
More information
Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
Shopify – Capture fulfillment status in Core for Click & Collect orders
When customers place an order via Shopify Online, they can select to ship the delivery or pick up from an outlet. Previously to this release, Cin7 Core was not capturing when an order was picked up from Shopify, leaving the order in Core with the wrong fulfillment status.
With this release, we have introduced a new workflow to ensure that all Click & Collect orders will pass fulfillment updates from Shopify to Core, and capture when picked up ordered are marked as fulfilled.
When downloading orders from Shopify to Core, if delivery method is set to local pick up, a text string “Shopifylocalpickup” will be added to the sale comment field. This will trigger the workflow that correctly captures the fulfillment status for picked up orders.
This does not apply to sales where Pick, pack, and ship process mode setting is Load data from Shopify, as this configuration already loads fulfillment status correctly.
No further user action is required.
Active Shopify integration connected to Core
Orders are not consolidated
More information
Shopify – Fulfillment for Shopify POS orders
Shiptheory – Capture and export commodity and composition details
eCommerce systems and shipping integrations capture and export commodity details in accordance with international regulations regarding taxes and tariffs. With this release, Cin7 Core has updated its procedure for capturing commodity and composition details while also providing the option to import and export these details in CSV format.
A new section, Catalog, has been added to Shiptheory integration in Cin7 Core .
The catalog displays your inventory products and various options to filter the product list. Commodity description and Commodity composition for each product can be entered in the provided text fields.
Commodity data can be imported in CSV format by selecting Import, downloading the commodity data template file, entering the information, and uploading the edited file.
Commodity data can be exported in CSV format by selecting Export and downloading the file.
Commodity description and commodity composition will be passed to Shiptheory automatically with every order. If the catalog fields for these values are left blank, Cin7 Core will check the Short description and Description fields of the product’s details. (The Description and Short description fields from a product’s record were previously mapped to commodity description and commodity composition respectively in Shiptheory.) If neither of these fields have information, a validation error will occur.
Shiptheory integration
More information
Shiptheory integration – Commodity description and composition