16th July 2023 - Cin7 Core Enhancements
FEATURES: Modify product image order in B2B portal, specify order lock date for Shopify, buffer inventory for Walmart, and more!
QuickBooks Online – Export reference to invoice statement (optional setting)
QuickBooks Online
By default, the sale reference is exported to Message on invoice in QuickBooks Online. From customer feedback, we learned that some customers would prefer that sale reference is exported to Message on statement rather than Message on invoice, as this field is searchable in QBO. So as not to change functionality for existing customers, Core has added an additional setting, allowing users to export the sale reference to message on statement as well as to message on invoice, where it is visible to the end customer.
Go to Integration → QuickBooks Online → Setup, and scroll to Integration settings.
A new setting, Export reference to invoice statement, is now available. When enabled, sale reference will be exported to both Message on statement and Message on invoice in QBO. When disabled, sale reference will be exported to Message on invoice only.
Users will need the Integration – Accounting – Quickbooks permissions to use this feature.
More information
QuickBooks Online – Integration settings
B2B – Display SKU in shopping cart as well as name
Previously, B2B portal shopping cart would display the item name, but not include the SKU. Due to a customer request, this has been changed to show both the SKU and name. No further action required.
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Return orders marked as completed can be returned to ‘in progress’ status
When a return order is marked as completed, no further actions can be taken. Sometimes users mark a return as completed by mistake, and previously had no way to undo the completion. With this release, users can mark a completed return the status to ‘in progress’ to make further changes.
Return orders which have been completed or marked as completed will display a button showing Mark as in progress. Press this to change the return order status to In progress.
If RMA is not completed, any scrap/repair/restock jobs will be set to in progress.
If RMA is completed, any scrap/repair/restock jobs will be unchanged.
More information
Returns (RMAs and Return Orders)
Shiptheory – Commodity description and commodity composition field mapping
Commodity description and commodity composition are mandatory pieces of information for carriers that process international shipments. Cin7 Core did not have specific fields for this. With this release, the Description and Short description fields from a product’s record are now mapped to Commodity description and Commodity composition respectively in Shiptheory.
Shiptheory integration
Users will need the Inventory – Products and families permission to edit the description and short description.
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Shiptheory – Commodity description and composition
Shiptheory – User-specific printing
Shiptheory has a feature called user printing where depending on which user has sent the order it will print to a specific printer. For example, in a warehouse with 4 stations with 4 printers, the order could always print from the same station.
In the Shiptheory – “Shipment” section, there is an field called “rules_metadata”, users can use this while creating shipping rules to make sure that orders print on the correct stations. With this release, the user/picker is passed to “rules_metadata”. The information is passed when a user clicks Print shipping label.
For bulk sales export and POS or eCommerce sales, Core cannot send the specific user details to “rules_metadata” to automatically print the labels to the user-linked printers. “rules_metadata” field will be blank. However, a rule can be created for when “rules metadata” field is left blank.
Shiptheory integration
More information
Shiptheory – User-specific printing
Shiptheory – Select preferred carriers/services
Customer feedback let us know that the list shown when selecting carriers/services was too long, making it easy for a user to select the wrong service in error. With this release, we have added a setting which allows users to select their preferred carriers/services, displaying them first when selecting a carrier for shipping.
Go to Integration → Shiptheory.
A new setting has been added, Preferred carriers/services. This searchable dropdown field lists all available carriers and services passed from Shiptheory to Cin7 Core .
Select a carrier from this list to add it as a preferred carrier. Simply press X to remove a preferred carrier from the list.
When selecting a carrier for shipping, preferred carriers will be displayed first.
Shiptheory integration
Users will need the Integration – Shiptheory permission in order to edit settings.
More information
Shiptheory – Integration settings
Walmart – Buffer inventory
Instead of showing actual inventory values in e-Commerce storefronts, many retailers prefer to display an estimated display quantity where there is a safe buffer stock on their backend to avoid overselling products. Core now allows for buffer inventory on stock quantities pushed to Walmart, both for the whole channel and at the product level.
Buffer inventory levels for the whole channel are controlled from the Setup tab (Integrations → Walmart→ [select store], Setup tab). Update stock levels in Walmart setting must be enabled.
Use buffer inventory: Displayed when Update stock levels in Walmart is enabled. Allows for an inventory buffer on stock quantities pushed to the channel. Enabling this setting will enable the Buffer inventory field.
Buffer inventory: Displayed when Use buffer inventory is enabled. Enter an integer number of stock to act as a buffer. Sync quantity passed to the channel when updating stock levels will be equal to Actual stock – buffer inventory.
When this setting is enabled, Sync quantity and Buffer inventory quantity will be added as fields to the Catalog and Bulk listing tables alongside stock availability. However, sync quantities will only be updated in the channel if the user updates or lists a product.
Buffer inventory for the whole channel can be overwritten by product-level buffer inventory from the Catalog page.
Click on a listed or unlisted item to open a pop-up window and slide Use product level buffer inventory to enable. You can then enter an integer value for Product level buffer which will overwrite the channel buffer value. You will then need to Update or List the product for the new stock level quantity to be displayed in the channel.
The product-level buffer value will ALWAYS override the value set on the Setup tab. If the Setup tab inventory buffer value is changed, this will not affect products with product-level buffers.
Walmart integration
Users will need the Integration – Walmart permission to edit settings
Update stock levels in Walmart setting must be enabled on the Setup tab
More information
Walmart – Catalog – Buffer inventory
Shopify – Map Cin7 Core price tier to Shopify “Compare at” price
Currently, when products are listed from Core, only the retail price tier in Shopify is updated. Shopify allows its merchants to set a ‘Compare at’ price tier, for example for customers to compare the retail price with a previous higher price.
Core customers brought to our attention that they had to manage these two price lists from both platforms. With this release, Core has added a setting to push/pull a ‘Compare at’ price tier to/from Shopify, allowing management of both prices via one platform.
Go to Integration → Shopify → [select store] → Setup, and scroll to Integration settings.
A new setting has been added to this section, Compare price tier. Select a price tier from this drop down field for it to be mapped to the Shopify ‘Compare at’ price tier.
Values will now be pushed/pulled to/from Shopify.
Active Shopify integration
Users will need the Integration – Shopify permission to edit settings
Configure price tiers
More information
Shopify – Integration settings
Fix – Purchase orders created from sales were pulling latest price regardless of settings
A customer discovered an error where purchase orders created from sales were pulling the latest price regardless of settings which specified fixed price should be used. This error has been fixed.
Inventory reports – Hyperlinking added to take user from report to sale order, production order, product details, etc.
Previously, data appearing in inventory reports was not hyperlinked to any page where the data is expanded. For example, the Production Cost Analysis Report shows production orders, the manufactured SKU, component SKUs, shop floor location among other information. Reviewing the data required opening another page to search for the relevant order, SKU, etc. With this release, hyperlinks have been added to several inventory reports to allow users to access this data with a single click.
The following reports are affected:
Products Reordering
No other changes to report functionality or scheduled report functionality have been made.
User will need the Inventory reporting permission to view reports.
User will need various other permissions relating to products and services, sales, purchase, production to view expanded information.