26th February 2023

26th February 2023

Additional replacement options for Return Merchant Authorization (RMA)


With this release we have made the replacement options for Return Merchant Authorization (RMA) more user-friendly, allowing RMA officers to go through different scenarios and make an informed decision for free/paid and warranty/non-warranty replacements. With this new enhancement, the description for the selected RMA resolution in the dropdown list will be shown below the dropdown list.

  • The last step in RMA processing is RMA resolution. Currently the RMA officer can see available resolutions in a dropdown field, which include Apply credit, no refund, and more.

  • Warranty replacement and New sale replacement are now always available (previously available option would depend on warranty status). This gives flexibility to the RMA officer to handle cases such as:

    • Product is under warranty but damaged by customer and no longer covered by warranty, but the customer can pay for a replaced product with New sale replacement.

    • Product is not under warranty but the RMA officer decides to give free replacement, and can thus choose Warranty replacement, posting the expense to the warranty expense account.


  • User has Settings → RMA – RMA Setup permission to edit return policies and settings.

  • User has RMA → Warranty Setup permission to edit warranty settings.

  • User has setup RMA processing milestones

More information

Returns (RMAs and Return Orders)

Run stock received vs invoice report for current calendar date


Previously, the Stock received vs invoice report allowed comparing the stock received vs invoiced for a selected reporting period. With this release, we have added a new field, As of date, to compare stock received vs invoiced until the current calendar date.

The report can be scheduled for the current calendar date (date of report scheduled), day before the scheduled report date, or a set number of days before the scheduled report date. No other reporting functionality will be affected.

  1. Access the report by going to Reports → Purchase reports → Stock received vs invoice.

  2. A new dropdown field, Mode, is visible at the top of the screen. Select from:

    • Period: Run report for a selected period, the current option.

    • As of date: Run report for the current day (this cannot be edited).

  3. Select a date and click Update to run the report.

  4. When scheduling this report, you can select Period mode or As of date mode. If As of date mode is selected, you can then select either Today (the day the report is scheduled), Yesterday (day before the report was scheduled), or Date offset (X number of days before the report scheduled date). The report scheduled date is dictated by the Scheduled from field and Frequency field.


  • Users will need the Reports – Purchase permission to view this report.

More information

Stock received vs invoice report

Advanced manufacturing module – Backflushing method for co-manufacturing

Advanced manufacturing

Previously to this release, the backflushing components issue method was not being applied to co-manufacturing operations, causing a discrepancy between real component consumption quantities and the quantities reflected in the inventory when an order was partially received.

E.g. 10 tables are ordered from a co-manufacturer, requiring 40 table legs. 40 legs were sent to the co-manufacturer. The co-manufacturer partially completed the order, returning 5 tables and consuming 20 table legs. However 40 legs would be issued from the inventory.

With this release, Cin7 Core has changed how components are issued for such orders to resolve these issues and correctly reflect consumed components.

User can select backflushing method to apply to whole BOM, operation only, or individual components.

  • When a production run containing a co-manufacturing operation is completed and the output is added, the quantity of components which should be consumed from the co-manufacturing location for this output quantity is calculated using backflushing method formulas.

  • The calculated component quantity is issued from the co-manufacturing stock location.

  • The remaining quantity remains allocated in the co-manufacturing location until this production order is completed.

  • When the production order is completed without consuming all allocated components, the components become available for the further orders.


  • Advanced manufacturing module subscription is required.

  • Only applicable to co-manufacturing modes:

    • Transfer components – buy finished products

    • Purchase components – buy finished products

    • Not applicable to mode Sell Components – buy finished products as ownership of components and tracking responsibility is passed to the co-manufacturer.

More information

Issue components based on production output quantity (Backflushing method)

Co-manufacturing (outsourcing parts of the production process)

Shopify – Master of data options apply when updating via product channels screen


Previously, when an action was performed between source and target system (Cin7 Core or Shopify), the source system became by default the Master of data. For example, when Cin7 Core downloaded product data from Shopify, Shopify became the Master of data as it provided the source of the data. When Cin7 Core would list product data in Shopify, Cin7 Core becomes the Master of data. This is not suitable for clients who would prefer to have either Shopify or Cin7 Core be master of data permanently. After our release on the 22nd January, clients can now choose to have either Shopify or Cin7 Core act permanently as Master of data, or keep functioning as is and have master depend on the source system.

With this release, these changes also apply to products listed from the Channels section of a product record. These changes are also now recorded in the Operations log with more information.

  1. Go to Integration → Shopify→ Integration setup.

  2. There is a dropdown option called Master of data. Select from the following options:

    • Shopify: Cin7 Core will not modify any existing Shopify product/variant related details, except stock level (if stock level update is enabled). New products/variants can be created with details from Cin7 Core as needed.

    • Cin7 Core : Shopify will not modify any existing Cin7 Core product/variant related details. New products can be created with details from Shopify as needed, including intermediate products for duplicate SKU support.

    • Source system: The system works as it works now. Any system can modify each other, and current action (download of catalog to Cin7 Core or listing to Shopify) will make the source system the master for that operation, updating existing product details in the target system.

  3. Products can be updated, removed, unlinked and listed in Shopify from the Channels section of a product record (Inventory → Products → [select product] → Channels). Available options will be enabled/restricted on which system is master of data.


  • Go to Integration → Shopify→ Integration setup.

More information

Shopify – Integration settings